piątek, 22 lutego 2013

Polish Labour Law - Parent Employees on longer maternity leaves

New Labour Law regulations, effective from September 2013 will make the maternity leave twice as long as it's been up to date.
The government is proud of its great idea of making it more 'attractive' to become a parent, in reality, it makes it worse.
First of all, it's not because of the fact that the current maternity is too short that women don't want to have children! - It is for fear that they won't have a job to come back to after the maternity leave. The old classic is that once you are back, you find out that your position has been taken over by your very best colleague whose manager, up to that day, were you. So what that you are protected and cannot be fired - you lost your position, your career has gone to a dead end...
The government by making it also available for 'dad employees' to take the 'one year maternity leave' exchangeable with 'mom employees' messes with the Polish social satndards. It will not work fo men in Poland to stay at home - for only 80% of their salary if they decide 2 weeks in advance before the delivery - it is not 'popular' and it;s certainly not a common practice to do so. This is not Sweden or Norway.
In view of the planned regulations it will make the situation of women on the market even worse. The recruiter having to choose between a man and a woman will have no doubts - one year of paid vacation is not appealing to any employer.

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